Gum Grafting (Periodontics)

Protect yourself against the damaging effects of gum recession.

Gum Grafting Vancouver

Free Gingival Grafts ($642 per site)

Free gingival grafts involve the use of tissue from the roof of the mouth. A small amount of tissue is removed directly from the roof of the mouth and then attached to the gum area being treated. This method is used most often in people who have thin gums to begin with and need additional tissue to enlarge the gums.

Pedicle Grafts ($645 per site)

Pedicle grafts involve the use of tissue from the palate from gum around or near the tooth needing repair. The flap, called a pedicle, is only partially cut away so that one edge remains attached. The gum is then pulled over or down to cover the exposed root and sewn into place. This procedure can only be done in people who have plenty of gum tissue near the tooth.